Solve your (d)inner problems

The Wachuma Experience is a profound voyage of self-discovery. The ritual is performed at best when you deliver your inner self problems at the same time when you are touching, caressing, and peeling the humble cactus, or maybe when you are cutting it, or better yet when you're stirring the boiling pot. This is your dinner. 
There's no way to lose in his mescaline arms!

The Wachuma CactUs

Take a step out of the conventional journeys you can get in Cusco, and get a real experience with nature and divinity, and of course...with yourself.
You just deal with Wachuma like dealing with yourself.
You are about to know.

The Boiling CommUnion

This union in common between the Wachuma, you and us create the wonderful space and time for sharing, talking, singing or dancing around the fire. The Boiling CommUnion is one of the most important ceremonies (or rituals) before taking Wachuma.

The Iantegration Day

The Iantegration Day was created with the purpose of integrate master plants as we step forward to our our selves.
The process of integration with Mapacho, Wachuma and DMT is a delicate and profound feeling of going back to the origin of...
You will know and see.

"Living is easy (and clear) with eyes closed"

Not Ready Yet? problem!
maybe it's not your time.

So...have better luck in next life
but don't be late!

The Wachuma Experience

Copyright © 2024  |  The Wachuma Experience  |  Waap: +51.978.714.719