Wachuma or Achuma, is a pre inca medicine master plant, a large cactus (aymara lenguage for achuma), is a lovely fast-growing columnar cactus found in the Andes at 2,000–3,000 m in altitude (6,600–9,800 ft) and, it can grow up to 7 meters tall, also miscalled and known as San Pedro cactus.
It is native to Pre Inca territories of Peru, Ecuador, and Bolivia, but is also found in Argentina, Chile, and Colombia.
It has been drunk, eaten, or even snorted for healing and divine purposes in the Andes Mountains region for over 6,000 years approx…
well, we believe is more.
Archaeological research in the Andes has found archeobotanical remains dating back to at least 6,400 Ancash, Peru.

.dive in deeper.

Da Midnite TrainSpiritual Key Providers

The Wachuma Cactus (San Pedro) is a gentle Master Plant but can also be a strong ancient medicine (in the process), like the cause itself (pain, trauma, disorder, etc.), and it is because Wachuma also deals with human nature.
Human Nature can be so lost or broken by harmful issues in the mind, the body, and in the heart. The only way (sometimes) to heal or deal with them, is to throw them away from our system, mentally or physically…a purge. Yeah…well, (it’s a dirty job and someone has to do it) nobody will do it for you, and there are many levels for healing and dealing with this, it’s like an onion…it prob’ly will make you cry too…it depends on how disconnected you can be from the realities, from your self, and from Life itself.
Precious is the pitch for channeling or changing vibrations and realities, modifying old patterns or habits, or just UPLIFTING consciousness.
For life, it does not happen to you…it happens through you.
So don’t go with the flow… Go Through!

Time is running out...take action now!

The Great Grandfather Wachuma is a gentle healer of the heart on earth; he searches for the mental, emotional and physical wounds and lets you know how to solve and improve, providing light, love and life; it is the invocation of the holy male mother nature, through which we can develop or awaken a more balanced awareness.
We can find gratitude, unity, health, strength and compassion in this experience and later, in life itself. The Wachuma Experience 

Wachuma Hikes

We carefully organize The Wachuma Hikes before we meet.
The Master Plants are integrated beautifully for you.
There is a huge plan on Heavens for us.
We enjoy it and learn on Earth.
We listen first – then we go

Cusco | Puno | Lima | Ancash | Bolivia
Denmark | Italy | Finland | Spain | Canada

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To book a day or night experience, or a hike or tour….must be 3 days in advance.
Pregnant women won’t be allowed to participate in some ceremonies.
Some hikes or tours require optimal physical conditions.
Some Ceremonies may change location.
Read our Terms & Conditions

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