How will you embrace the transformative energy of the Sacred Valley to unlock the sacred truths within you?
The Wachuma Experience is a transformative journey of self-discovery and healing set in the breathtaking Sacred Valley of the Incas in Cusco, Peru. This program, guided by the Great Creator and the wisdom of ancient plant medicines, integrates sacred spiritual practices designed to align and harmonize your body, mind, soul, and spirit. Each ceremony becomes a unique co-creation between you, us, and the Universe, manifesting a profound connection and an uplifting experience.
And don’t go with the flow…Go Through!!
Discover Nature at its Finest…from you!THE GREAT GENTLE GRANDFATHER
It is not only for your mind but for your heart. This powerful master plant, a fast-growing columnar cactus found throughout the Andes, offers an energy that allows you to deeply connect with yourself, the natural world, the universe, and the purest spiritual dimensions. It is the sacred invocation of the divine male energy of Mother Nature, through which we can awaken or cultivate a more balanced consciousness. Many have experienced profound interactions with Mother Nature and the heavenly realms, as well as mental and spiritual healing for dealing with pain, traumas, fears, and physical symptoms. This sacred plant has been growing for over 6,000 years, holding the wisdom of the ages within its essence.
Read The Wachuma cactus’ history

What's your journey of choice?The Wachuma Experience and other Master Plants

The Great Apu Ausangate Journey
Re encounter with the power of this Sacred Mountain, the 7 lakes and the Pleiades.

DMT Realm Experiences
Enter to the other side of the morning and live other truths surrounded by strong energies and high frequencies

Shrooms in Dwarf Paradise
Be witness of the conversations and colors far beyond the mind in beautiful forests.

The Soulie Path to Machu Picchu
The wonderful hike to Machu Picchu Pueblo with Grandfather Wachuma through the railroad

Eco Lodges to Machu Picchu
Get to Machu Picchu through the best Eco Lodges of Cusco

The Iantegration Day
A Full Day Hike to a Sacred Place integrated with Mapacho, Wachuma and, DMT medicine

The Cut 'n' Boil Experience
Touching, caressing, and peeling. There's no way to lose in his mescaline arms!